• press
  • 2021



RON MILLER presents their latest HOPE OF TOMORROW Series at the hottest Miami art fair 

This event constitutes a definite achievement and a true milestone in the history of the RON MILLER duo. For 5 years Ronny and Marcus have been building momentum through group and solo exhibitions on national (Berlin, Leipzig, Munich, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Hamburg) and international (Rome, Venice, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Luxembourg, Paris, Monaco, Zurich, Athens, Dubai) levels.

Their success is a result of hard work, innovation within their field, and creative, outside of the box, thinking. Never standing still, always on the lookout for the newest inspiration and trends, RON MILLER does not cease to surprise. In the frames of HOPE OF TOMORROW exhibition at Spectrum Art Fair, RON MILLER fans and urban art lovers can now purchase NFTs version of the pieces on display via several virtual art galleries.

The 3 paintings on display are: Do Not Disturb, Mood Swings, and Staying Positive in Pajamas (Please note there will be a total of 6 paintings in these series, 3 of which are shown here)

1. With so much ‘positive’ energy (yes, you have detected correctly a hint of sarcasm) going around on the streets, amidst the newest season of the Corona Winter, it is not surprising that our Geisha needs a protective suit, on top of being vaccinated, recovered, tested, and socially distant.

2. Do you like the texture of the background? To achieve it, we had to paint 5000 smileys! Why do some of them look so evil? Because the inspiration for this piece came from our experiences at art fairs this year. While the outside was chaotic and problematic due to the pandemic, each visitor who made it inside to the fair and gave us a smile, made our day a little sunnier and happier. It is amazing how we can cheer each other up when times are hard. Is that not the meaning behind being a human? It is definitely a great reason to make art!

3. The coronavirus pandemic hit us all hard: projects got postponed, plans got cancelled, social life disintegrated, things got out of hand. 2020 was full of anxiety and shock, in 2021 things started to look better with the creation of the vaccine, and 2022 is still very much uncertain. The guys from RON MILLER want to spread a positive message: yes, things do not go according to the plan, but we have to stay strong and not lose hope. Even if that means waiting for the better times in our pajamas.

Spectrum Art Fair
Mana Wynwood /  Booth # 204  

We are looking forward to seeing you at our booth if you are in town. We offer press passes upon request. For this and other kind of press inquiries, please get in touch via hello@ronmiller.de