RON MILLER: Summer News 2020


“Not everyone needs glory”

A century ago Marcel Duchamp turned the art world upside down by presenting a notorious porcelain urinal as an art object. The term ready-made was coined and the avant-garde was born.

These days when the whole world is turned upside down, the urban artist duo RON MILLER elevates two key pieces of the current crisis to a new status: the much needed face mask and the less needed toilet paper. Although both sculptures might look glorified, the artists’ core slogan reveals something else. FUCK FAME

Find out more about RON MILLER at their upcoming shows:
Venice International Art Fair: 23 July – 21 August 2020
Art Marbella: 29 July – 2 August 2020
International Contemporary Art Fair Monaco: 21 August – 23 August 2020

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